Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Apostolic Giants of my Life

I haven't worked on this line in a while as Apostles (the fourth of the Five fold ministries from Ephesians 4:11) in my life is a very broad title.  When I looked up the word I found definitions that included: any important early teacher of Christianity, the Apostles of the early church, a missionary or leader of a religious mission, and so on.

So, since I still have the Prophets category to go, I will devote this group of "Giants" to God's special forces, the missionaries who have touched my life.

Dwain Jones - this man breaks the mold.  He shatters the sterotype of a "boring" missionary.  What a gifted speaker this man of God is.  Dwain can have you laughing and crying three seconds apart with the illustrations he has to share.  Bro. Jones has told me repeatedly he wouldn't be surprised if God called me to the missions field one day and so if he does, I'm ready Lord.

Mark Purkey - Mark is an Evangelist by call but he spends much of his campaigns raising money for highly effective crusades to Europe.  Mark is a fantastic evangelist but I included him with my "Apostles" section because of his love and concern for neighbors who aren't next door. 

Charles Holybee - this mild-mannered preacher may be unknown to many.  Bro. Holybee has served the Lord for years by pastoring while ministering in Oklahoma prisons.  This man is not puffed up, has no great budget, but is an awesome example of someone who is working for a reward not seen by mortal eyes.  If you ever read this Bro. Holybee I want you to know you are one of my heroes.

There are many, many, more I could add to this list but I won't for fear of a grevious ommission.  I do want to say that anyone who answers the call of God to go where there is no friend, no comforts, and no assurance of success you are a testimony to the world of the all surpassing love of God.  Thank you so much for all you do for the lost and the example you set for those who strive to serve the Lord.  God bless you all!