Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Where Everybody Knows Your Name...

What a great day it has been.  Although it is about three hours before my usual bed time I'm tired and ready to hit the hay.  You see we had a work day at our church today.  Several people arrived at 8 AM and worked until after 1 taking care of special cleaning and maintenance needs.  I myself worked on the lights and kind of oversaw a few other things when people came to ask the "pastor" questions (I love to preach but the being in charge stuff is often a drag!).

After I left the church I came home and the family and I worked in our yard until dark with mowing, raking, planting in our garden and I don't know how many other needed tasks.  Now, after a wonderful buffet of leftovers (the Saturday night leftover buffet was SO enjoyed it might become a family tradition) everyone is resting, reading, watching TV and my wife is even exercising with a favorite video.  I'm exhausted, but very happy and content.

Why am I so happy when my body feels as though it has been run over?  It's the joy of being in a church family.  Not only attending a church and knowing everybody, but working beside brothers and sisters because we share a common goal of making our church clean and inviting.  Leaders aren't always those out front.  Leaders are often the ones who just show up and ask "What can I do to help?"  Some came on their only day off.  Some are not as young as they use to be and they work harder than anyone else.  Side by side they labor and when the day is done they smile at one another knowing that together they accomplished something.

You see a family works together.  A family sweats, grunts, strains, aggravates one another in their labors and continues to struggle together until the goal is reached.  I love my church because I see the concern and effort they are willing to give one another.  Like that original church in Acts they help one another out when they recognize a need.  Since becoming the pastor of this outstanding group I have seen them invest in one another.  They give their concern, finances, goods and most importantly their TIME to help their brothers and sisters. 

One of the reasons we worked so hard today is because Easter is coming soon.  For many people the only time they attend a house of God is Christmas or Easter (and sometimes even both!).  I expect to have a great crowd on the upcoming holy day and if anyone is impressed with our facilities or made to feel more comfortable because it sparkles a little more than usual and this helps them to come to that decision of paramount importance and make Jesus Lord of their life... well, then all who helped will have a part in a heavenly reward for using their gift of helps.

I hope and pray you are part of a church family.  Not just a church where you attend or lead a ministry but a place where you really, REALLY belong.  If you're not then thankfully it's not too late to join in.  You don't need to change churches just priorities.  Get to work, work hard, and take the time to truly look at the one who works beside you.  Are you doing all you can to be a brother/sister to them?  Join the family and find out who they are and what they need.  Sacrifice, share, and who knows before you even realize it you've stepped into a new level of relationship with your church and your God who cherishes His people.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and never forget that YOU ARE LOVED! (Jer. 31:3)