Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Friday, June 21, 2013

Before the Fact

I haven't written a blog in a while but I had something burning on my heart today and considering the subject matter I thought I'd better post these ideas before the fact.

Tonight at my church we begin a revival with my friend Evangelist Mark Purkey.  Mark is one of a dying breed, the full-time evangelist.  I say dying as there are so few who are full-time anymore due to of the lack of support for revival meetings.  Across the United States are churches who hold fewer and fewer  meetings based on the laziness or lack of desire of a society of believers who just don't consider it important to go anymore. 

There is a multitude of excuses such as:
   * I'm SO busy.  Folks we're all busy.  It's amazing how we make time for all the things that are important to us such as shopping, golf, etc.  The truth is church just doesn't weigh on our hearts like getting that trophy Bass or getting our nails pretty.
  * I don't feel well.  Sickness is a real problem for some.  My awesome mother in law went to heaven a few years ago after a lengthy battle with cancer.  In her last months she would force herself, almost drag her weary body to church where she would even watch the nursery.  I would say to her "You know someone else can do this.  If you have to stay home please do."  Her response still inspires me.  She would reply "I want to be here now because I know there will be a time when I can't."  If you aren't so sick you have to stay home from work or the store why not go to a place where you can hear the word to nurture your soul and have people actually lay hands on you and pray.  My wife use to tell me "Are you going to feel any better staying home?" and in the truth of my heart I knew it was time to get up and go to church.
   * I don't have to be in church to be close to God.  No you don't.  You don't have to leave home to be on vacation.  You don't have to go to college to get a job.  You don't have to see a doctor to recover from sickness.  You don't HAVE to do any of these things but we know they all help.  Now I know I've way oversimplified this but you get the point.  People in prison have church services but I guarantee they'd rather be able to attend the church you forsake all too often.
   * I was hurt/offended in church.  Some folks have a bad experience in a house of worship and swear off all churches.  I sure hope these folks don't get a bad order at McDonalds for with their logic they could never eat out again!  Unless you've NEVER hurt or offended someone you need to quit whining and get back to the Lord's house. 
   * I worked all day and I'm tired.  I can think of few better ways to tell God how little you appreciate the job He provided for you.  Most folks who go to church get to just sit.  I know the pastor is paid but few others are and yet they are faithful to attend simply because they don't want to miss the possibility something great could happen.  And don't you know the best services always seem to happen when you miss?

Some churches have done away with Sunday evening services because they have two or even three services on Sunday morning.  This would leave folks tired, but if you have that size of congregation surely there are some folks who could take the evening shift.  If there are still people who are unsaved, still folks who see Sunday as the "church" day and they come to your doors to find them locked I think we are missing an opportunity to make a difference.  I've even been praying about adding more services to our church where I'm sure some would think "You're not even packing out the ones you're having yet!"  The point is if even a few might come isn't it a tragedy we've denied them the opportunity because of our many excuses?

I hope you don't find this mean because that isn't the spirit in which it was written.  Our country is no longer "One nation under God" simply because the church doesn't seem to be under God either.  We're under deadlines, peer pressure, debt, over scheduling and on and on the list goes.  We need to get back to the place we run to whenever we're in trouble.  We need to make the Lord first not only in our hearts but over our lives.  I'm going to get ready for church and I hope to see you there.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and remember YOU ARE LOVED!