Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A PK to be proud of...

Pastor's kids (or PK's) get a tough rap.  They're often expected to be perfect as an example of what Christian parents can raise.  The expectations are often impossible as kids are just kids no matter what their parents do.  Mine have been repeatedly left out of things because of who their mom and I are and that would give easy excuse to be bitter but they're not.  My kids give me reason to be proud.  They're not perfect, but they're awfully good.  Here is just one story to share.

Today was a really tough day as a pastor.  I felt impressed by the Lord to preach a really difficult message that I didn't want to preach but at the same time I could see the need.  The need was created from me backing off the subject for the years I have pastored this congregation.

Anyway, that was tough but I did it.  Then in the evening service I shared something lighter and more of a Christian building message that was much more easy for me and probably for the listeners.  Still, right after the service I received some difficult news.  The info that came to me effects my whole family and our future so I was shaken.

EVERY Sunday night after service we head to Taco Bell (we really need to stop because we're all burnt out on it).  I was not myself and let me tell you what my awesome son said and did.  He put his arm around his deflated dad and said "You're the most awesome dad ever."  After a second more he said "Don't worry.  God's got this."

Such simple words!  Such incredible simplicity and direct faith!  I love my son.  I'm so thankful he loves me.  Most of all I'm SO glad he knows the Lord and serves Him without reservation.  He's not the average, stereotyped PK.  He's much better!