Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Tragedy of Compromise

I write this entry with an incredibly heavy heart.  Today there were two events that have reminded me of the truth of the Bible as prophecy is jumping right off of its pages into the headlines.

Currently the retail giant Hobby Lobby is in a legal fight as a very worldly US judicial system appears at first impression to side with those who want to force a Christian company to support birth control.  Now to be honest I personally believe any health coverage should include birth control as long as it is offered to a married couple.  However, as I understand it (and agree) attorney's for HL say offering birth control would lead to other compromises that would directly go against their Bible based standards.   Now I had seen this one coming for months as the beliefs of HL owners the Greene family have been targets of liberal activists for some time.

The other event saddened me even more and I didn't see this one coming.  The Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has chosen to show they are far more "world" than Christian and support gay marriage.  The former Christian organization will recognize same sex marriages saying they are following the trend of some churches and defending this by saying this policy will only be extended to "married" same sex and heterosexual couples.

The foul odor of compromise is in the air.

My heart actually aches over these things because fault lies at the feet of the church.  Yes this was prophesied and we knew it was coming but we've acted as though we had no control to stop it.  What a self-indulgent lie.

For the last 25-30 years Christian voters have repeatedly voted their likes, dislikes, and pocketbook instead of the morals outlined in the Word of God.  I don't care if you're a Republican or Democrat what we need in Washington is a true, died in the wool and committed born again believer.  I know a lot of politicians say they are when election time comes around but their voting record and association and support of anti-Christian causes tell a different story.

Let's be honest here.  Christians do not support the yearly holocaust of abortion also known as murder in the name of convenience.  Christians do not support same sex marriage as the Bible is very clear that this form of union is not approved of by God.  Christians do not support the freedom of speech in regard to unacceptable materials in the classroom while the separation of church and state concept has been grossly distorted to remove any mention of God.  These things are not what Christians do and if we have voted for men and women who will then obviously we have misplaced priorities and erected idols in our lives.

For this reason I will never again vote for anyone who will support these kinds of legislation.  It is a matter of conscience that I will not ignore.  I will support those who stand for the Lord unashamedly so that one day He will not be ashamed of me.

Make your decision however you like, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

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