Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is Betrayal a Good Thing?

Today I was studying Proverbs the 19th chapter when I noticed this:
V. 5 - "A lying witness will not go unpunished.  One who tells lies will not escape."  Then just a few verses later, V. 9 - "A lying witness will not go unpunished.  One who tells lies will die."  Almost the exact same words for what was obviously the exact same thoughts. 

As a minister I've been teased about repetition.  My response is usually "You have to keep drilling to get through some stone heads and icy hearts."  I think that's what the writer of chapter 9 was doing, he wanted to make it loud and clear what he thought of liars.

My wife and I are currently reading a book together entitled "Betrayed" by Pastor Randy Valmont.  His book is about recovering from betrayal because EVERYONE, Christian or not will at some time in their life deal with a level of betrayal.  Now I'm going to keep this short and tell you to openly expect it without allowing fear to creep into your life.  Jesus told us to turn the other cheek (actually "present it") this means offer your offender the chance to do it again. 

Not real easy unless your one of the few who understand the old saying "Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".  With Father's Day recently behind us I found myself missing my dad.  He's been gone 25 years next month and I still miss him!  Even though it hurts to have parted from him in this life I'm so very thankful I had him.  He wasn't always perfect but he was my "pops".

When people hurt us through betrayal it's because we care about them.  Now it will take some time and scars, but try to learn how to appreciate those who betray you (accidentally and on purpose).  Thank God for the love and friendship you shared even if the hurt makes it impossible to continue that relationship.

I know this isn't easy but if you want to grow in your walk with the Lord you've got to master the hard stuff and remember the scriptures I shared to start this.  God WILL take care of those who lie about you.  Don't take pleasure in their punishment but rejoice that it's one more battle you don't have to fight.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

1 comment:

  1. Great word brother!! Yes betrayal is hard on the heart but when we choose not to be offended and choose to love with agape love we can overcome the betrayal. Also thinking upon what is pure, true, lovely, and of good report we can resist the spirit of offense that comes with the betrayal.
