Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Giants of my life...

Thought I’d take a moment to thank the Lord for these pastors who sowed into my life;
H.A. Brummet - bigger than life and carried the authority of the Lord everywhere he went. I was actually in “awe” of him.
John Randell - his genuine love made you feel welcome just from his “hello”.
Ivan Ackerman - no shepherd ever cared more for his sheep.
Raymond Shann - I’ve never known anyone with his passion for the Spirit.
Roy Rogers - hands down the best preacher of any pastor I’ve ever had.
Junior Hogue- a pastor to an entire community, with no reservations of who you were or where you go.
Jeff Connett - a man who displays the joy of the Lord in everything he does.
Rick McElhannon - a mentor, cousin and friend. I don’t know where I’d be without him.

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