Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Work makes you sweat!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

In my last post I had mentioned there have been many changes in our lives.  In May of 2012 I had decided that I needed to make some changes in the life of our family.  I hope you understand what I'm about to say, "Not everywhere is a good fit for everybody".

For 19 months we had pastured a church where I was the only member of my family that was happy and I had allowed myself to slump into wimppiness (read last weeks blog).  There was nothing wrong with the church.  We were growing, people were being saved and good things were happening, it just wasn't a good fit for us. 

That happens in all things I guess.  People change churches all the time, but when it's a pastor it becomes a bit of a drama you don't want.  It has been my experience that when a pastor leaves people take it far too personal, like they did something wrong.  Here's an example; when we moved from a church we had pastured for some years I LOVED my new home!  Oh it was great, everything was so new and different from the restaurants to the sunrises.  On Facebook and here in my blog I would praise the Lord for all He had done and was doing but this was not a good thing to some.

Dear and long time friends felt I was disrespecting them in my good reports as if I were saying the joy of my new home was a slight against where I once had lived.  I was defriended and I don't just mean on Facebook.

Change is never easy.  Change always takes work.  If you want to lose weight a diet will be necessary even though you know it will be unpleasant to say the least.  Anytime we have moved, or changed where we were ministering it has been hard on us, hard on our friends, and even hard on the furniture but that's what change is, work!

If there is something in your life that needs to be changed get to work!  It may be hard but the results are always worth it.  Now, get up off that computer and do something you've been needing to do for a long time.  Read your Bible, go for a walk, call a family member you haven't talked to in a while or how about a suggestion that is always good - pray.

Work may make you sweat but it's the ONLY way things get done and change is good.

Getting Back to Work

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wow!  It seems hard to believe it has been so long since I posted anything in this blog.  There is so much to tell, so much has changed since my last post and if you are a follower of this poorly kept ministry I apologize.

I always say "I preach where I live".  In this I mean that I use my own life and experiences as an example (good and bad) for the point I feel the Lord has given me to discuss.  And along this line I confess to you dear friends that my blog has been on hiatus because my precious feelings were hurt.  Say it with me, "Awwwww".  I know, pitiful right?

In my last true blog I wrote what I felt the Lord was leading me to say based on some things I saw happening in MY OWN LIFE.  You see, I had seen other folks travel the path I felt I was on.  We had pastured them and I also had seen some preachers making these bad decisions as well.  The end result was an attitude of pride that led to backsliding.  Not the kind where people completely forsake the Lord and His church, but the more dangerous kind where we think everything between us and Him is good but inside we have become the more repulsive "lukewarm".  It is SO much more dangerous to think you are safe and then when the day of testing comes find out you're not.

A few in the church where I was at the time of that writing took offense.  They were sure that the two examples I had used were them and oh, they needed to vent.  I was devastated and honestly that was immature of me.  I said ME.  People are often going to take preaching wrong, they always have.  Conviction can cause us to rebel or be resentful and so... I was.  You see my precious little feelings caused me to have a self-pity party.  "How could someone think I was trying to hurt them!?!"  "Shouldn't they know that I wouldn't do that!?!"  Anyway, you get the picture.  On the outside I acted like it didn't bother me but inside was another story.

I immediately took my toys and went home.  I deleted almost all of my previous blogs because I didn't want to offend anyone again.  That's a shame too because some of those writings had blessed some folks.  The blog that lead to this spiritual tantrum was perhaps the best received of them all as many called it a blessing and soul searching.  I had forgotten that the message of Jesus and toe-stomping messages have always been words that burn itching ears.

I allowed that to poison my own spirit and the rest of my time in that church I took note of everyone who was offended by something or nothing.  My eyes became more and more critical until I knew I had to make changes.  Now at first, I looked only to my physical man when we should always look to the inner, spiritual self first.  I was upset that these people were convicted when I SHOULD have been sad that I didn't believe in what I was writing enough to stand by it.  Was it the Lord moving on my heart or not?

So I'm back to trying to share what I feel the Lord would have me to share.  I hope this is well received but I can only do what I can.  I pray the anointing will be upon this blog to bless and touch, heal and deliver.  I'm getting back to work.  Would you like to join me?