Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Recalling What You Forgot

For the last couple of months I have been rooted in the book of Proverbs.  I read one a day and study it carefully as I take notes and copy the verses that seem to "pop" out at me.  I've read them all probably a dozen times over but today as I read Proverbs 6 I began to weep as the Spirit spoke to my heart.

"There are six things that the Lord hates, even seven that are disgusting to Him:  arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people, a mind devising wicked plans, feet that are quick to do wrong, a dishonest witness spitting out lies, and a person who spreads conflict among relatives."
- Proverbs 6:16-19 (God's Word Translation)

I don't know how many times I've studied this passage, even preached on it more than a few.  Yet when I read it this time (I love the GWT I'm currently using for study) I could see examples of all seven so vividly.  It was almost like a movie flashback with the images that were before my mind's eye.

What I've preached on before is how the Word says these are things God "HATES", things that are "detestable" to Him.  We all have things we dislike but make no mistake this list are six things the Father hates and seven He finds totally detestable.  The word detestable is defined as deserving to be detested; abominable; hateful"  Those are some very strong words.

What drew me here was the wording the GWT used, how clear they triggered a heart sickened understanding as I realized some of these were me.  I have done or been things that the Lord hates and finds disgusting.  What a punch in the gut this realization was.

I've had arrogant eyes.  There have been plenty of times when I just KNEW I was right about something and in that arrogance I disobeyed the commands of the Lord.  I would not forgive, I would not listen.  I decided to throw people away because I was RIGHT no matter what others may say and in my eyes others were just misunderstanding of what I was saying or doing.  That realization hurt.

In my life I've possessed a lying tongue. To keep from hurting people as an adult or to get out of trouble as a child I would compromise what I KNEW was the truth and no matter the reason or excuse a lie remains a lie and a lie is sin.  Those memories caused my throat to hurt.

Thankfully I've never killed anyone.  I happened to live in a time where my nation never called me to war and I've never known any emotion strong enough to motivate me to such an act.  But as I prayed and studied I wondered if I have ever done something that killed someone inside.  Intention doesn't matter when there is a death.  If you do it on purpose it is murder, on accident it remains manslaughter.  Such an act cannot be disregarded.  Just the worry made me repent.

With a grin I knew I was guilty of a mind that devised wicked plans.  I had been a boy, a teen, and as always a McElhannon!  Mischief and orneriness are almost a family trait.  I could not remember (and I pray that is because it did not happen) a time when I had ever intentionally hurt or caused someone harm.  Being a Christian since childhood I walked a pretty good line yet sometimes we give into the flesh without conscious thought.  The very idea made me shudder.

Another area in which I give praise and hopefully I am not wrong is when I tell you I haven't had feet that were quick to do wrong.  I've always had an strong conscience.  My parent who were in their fifties at my birth knew when I was a teen that the threat of a "spanking" no longer held any sway over me as by that time I was much bigger than either of them and couldn't really be hurt.  They were creative however and dad could guilt me into anything he needed done.  Because of that I can write this having never done tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or anything illegal.  I was no saint but I was a good boy and that brings me comfort.

The next detestable behavior the Lord hates emphasizes His loathing of liars.  First He hated a lying tongue but He also has a special dislike of those who use their lies to give a false witness of others.  There's a lot of people in this world who think they can look better by making others look worse.  They attempt to climb the social or economic ladder by standing on the people they're around.  That really bothers the Lord.  I feel strongly that I've never done this but if I have wronged anyone who reads this I pray you'll forgive me for it would never have been intentional.  The lack of certainty on this point makes me nervous.

The last one is the one that almost screamed at me as I have been wounded in this area and still today the pain remains.  The GREATEST treasure we have other than salvation is family. God established marriage and the family before He started the church.  When we have someone who works to drive a wedge in the family we know through the suffering that kind of attack can only come from the devil himself.  I praise the Lord that in the day when my family came under attack I didn't return the favor upon my attacker.  Not that I can glorify myself (I have no right) but know the Lord stayed my hand and my mouth.  In this area I praise the Lord.

This often remembered but not heeded passage has the heading "Avoid Disaster" in this particular translation and it seems appropriate.  Although the Bible doesn't say these seven things will send you to hell it remains clear these behaviors will separate you from God and sin IS separation from God.  How can someone be in sin or separate from God and enter in to heaven?  I could sit here and quote a dozen or more scriptures in this regard but what we must always do is check our hearts and Recall what we have forgotten, the simple truth of scripture.  If we know God hates it shouldn't we strive with all our might and His anointing to ensure these things are not in our lives? 

It is my prayer that as you read this you will do a spiritual self check.  Do not allow pride or the deception of our enemy to see yourself dimly as we will one day see clearly what we refused to see today.  Avoid disaster and repent today.  Repent is NOT a dirty word and it doesn't mean you've become some heathen bad person, it means your are still "working out your salvation", striving for the high mark that our heavenly Father has called us to.  Repentance on a daily level can lift us up higher than the weight of false religious pride can bring us low. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED! 

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