Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Blessing Before Me

It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord can drop a blessing into my life at the most unexpected time and usually in the most surprising package.  This morning I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few quick things for a recipe I wanted to make for my family's lunch.  Don't be surprised, I've always been a big guy and big guys need to know how to cook or they have to eat out a lot.

As I was exiting the store, goodies in hand, an elderly gentleman was coming in the exit doors so I had to pause.  He was walking with the much needed aid of a walker at a very slow and labored pace.  I noticed to my right and his left were the shopping buggies most stores provide for their disabled customers and since it was obvious he needed one I didn't mind waiting, not even one little bit. 

My wait gave me the time to look at the gentleman and I mean REALLY look at him.  How often do we go through life without taking the time to truly notice the people right beside us as they travel down their paths intersecting with ours? 

He was wearing a ball cap that told me he was a veteran and I guessed his age to be somewhere in his eighties.  Up and down both of his short sleeved arms he had bruises.  I remembered the same kind on my dad; just the slightest touch would leave its mark.  He also wore very large sunglasses, the type patients wear to go over their prescription glasses and protect them from the glare of the sun. 

At this point I guess he noticed me looking at him and thought I stared because I had to wait on him to exit.  He said in the kindest apologetic voice "I'm sorry, I came in the wrong door."  Not wanting him to think he was any inconvenience I replied "Oh, no problem sir!  You take your time I'm in nooo hurry."  He smiled and started to get in one of the shopping motorized carts.

Making small talk I said "How are you doing today?"  He just smiled as he continued to get settled and said "Pretty good today. It's a really good day!"  That's when the blessing struck.

I walked out to my truck just talking to the Lord.  "Sir" (That's one of the ways I refer to Him) "Forgive me for all the times I complain about aches or pains."  Then I went on "And thank you for that man who you sent to testify." 

A wise man once said "I wept because I had no shoes until I met the man with no feet."  Someone always has it worse than us yet how often do we peer out from behind the shutter of our self pity to notice?  I know you have problem but we all do.  I know you're tired but we're all tired.  We need to quit makes excuses and start praising the Lord!

Look around and know the many blessings of the Lord.  In Acts chapter 20 Paul said "And see, now I go bound in the Spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me.  But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I might finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

Did you catch that?  Paul knew he was headed to trouble as he preached the message of Jesus because the Spirit had warned him but he just wanted to finish this race with joy.  He had decided that even if it was going to be painful he was going to keep his joy in the Lord.  That was his choice.

Everyday we have a choice to make, what will it be?  Will you count your blessings or complain about the momentary discomforts - even when they don't feel momentary?  You will always have to run the course of this life but what will be your attitude as you strain and strive to reach the goal? 

There will be times of pain but in the good days you've GOT to be ready to testify "Pretty good today. It's a really good day!" 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember YOU ARE LOVED!

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