Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Sin of Racism

I've been saddened by the outbreak of anger over the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman tragedy and though I know less than nothing about the legality of the situation and the controversial Florida law, as a pastor I do know sin when it lifts it's ugly head.  You see young Trayvon Martin is dead because he was black and in that Mr. Zimmerman has possibly ruined his life as well.  That's why I call this blog "the Sin of Racism".

I've heard and read many stories where people have tried to turn this into a black versus white thing and that's simply not the case.  George Zimmerman is the son of a Peruvian mother and a white father.  This birth has given him the physical appearance of being Hispanic and you're fooling yourself if you think the jury saw him as anything else.

In the American culture we are very visual on our judgments.  As mixed race relationships become more and more common some of the old walls are being torn down but they are far, far, far (!) from gone.  Whereas it was once so simple to see who was this or that by their skin tone the mixing of relationships have begun to change the visual as outward appearance no longer tells you the whole story.  The mother of a mixed relationship will usually present the strongest factors in skin appearance for a child but make no mistake the father will be there as well.  In Mr. Zimmerman's case on first glance you see a Hispanic-American. 

Now we don't know all that went on in that courtroom and everything that the jury heard, but they had to make their decision on the information given them and in regards to a dangerous local law.  By the laws of Florida George Zimmerman was found innocent and it doesn't matter what you or I think about it.  It didn't matter what we thought when OJ Simpson was found innocent in California and I promise you it won't matter when the next sensational cross race story hits the news either.

What I do believe is that the jury which was made up of all women from mixed racial backgrounds did their best.  Reports tell us that some cried when the verdict was read.  I further believe and have no way of proving or being disproven that when they sat in that courtroom they didn't see black versus white but a black teenage boy versus a young Hispanic man.  In those two images come the danger of a new and dangerous stereotype.

I heard a black preacher (after the verdict) say it is our society's perception of young black men that lead to this tragedy and I said "Amen" without thought.  That's what Zimmerman saw.  He saw this teenage black boy walking through a neighborhood that was not predominantly black and he made up his mind that that kid was up to no good.  I've heard many people of all races and ages that think that same way about young black men these days.  Zimmerman followed him and made Trayvon nervous enough that it led to confrontation and tragedy.

Here's where I say this whole thing started from sin (or sins!).  When Zimmerman saw Martin he judged him without knowing him.  I could preach here about the sin of judgment but you probably already know it's wrong so I'll move on.  Another way I see this as sin is how Zimmerman would have had to determine Martin was potentially dangerous.  Not knowing him he would have had to go by outward appearance only and friend that is most definitely of the flesh.

In 1st Samuel 16:7 we learn that God does not look on the outside of a man but judges him by what's in his heart.  ANYTIME we go by the appearance we are making judgments in the ability of the flesh and not as the Father would.  A sad side effect of this verdict is how it has stirred up some hearts and brought to the surface that we, and I do mean every race in these United States still have some growing up to do because we still have problems with one another.  We are still looking only at the wrapper and not what is insider the person as the Lord would.  God help us.

I do believe justice will eventually be done.  Zimmerman is guilty of racial profiling.  The only reason he followed Martin was because he was black and that's simply wrong.  I believe as this now becomes a Civil Rights case peace will return but until we all quit seeing the outside we will never get beyond our sin.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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