Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Where's a Tour Guide When You Need One

Whew! It’s been a tough month, actually a tough summer. For the first time in a LONG time I have had several pastor’s Monday’s (smile if you know what that is). It’s a tough job and anyone who has ever been in ministry knows it. Thank the Lord He provides guidance through His Word and through the counsel of other ministers and their writings.

One that I often turn to was recommended to me by another pastor; it is Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro. Listen to this excerpt;

I hadn’t realized that as a pastor I was involved in a vocation that had a dismal track record. It might be the pressures involved, or it could be the high expectations. But in either case, I found that a large number of those in pastoral ministry did not finish well.

In H.B. London Jr.’s great work Pastors at Greater Risk, we find these startling statistics:

* 80 percent believe that pastoral ministry affects their families negatively.

* 33 percent say that being in ministry is an outright hazard to their family.

* 75 percent report they’ve had a significant stress-related crisis at least once in their ministry.

* 50 percent feel unable to meet the needs of the job.

* 90 percent feel they’re inadequately trained to cope with the ministry demands.

* 56 percent of pastors wives say that they have no close friends.

* 45 percent of pastors’ wives say the greatest danger to them and their family is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual burnout.

* 52 percent of pastors say they and their spouses believe that being in pastoral ministry is hazardous to their family’s well-being and health.

* 70 percent do not have someone they consider a close friend.

Yes, those are statistics, and it’s easy for us to shrug off a list of numbers. But it’s a different story when instead of reading the statistics, you find yourself on the verge of becoming one.”

Some days of ministry are rough. You deal with betrayal, disappointment, unreasonable expectations (your congregations and your own), and of course failure. If you’ve faced that ministry Monday just remember you’re not alone. Your greatest heroes of the faith went through the same valleys you’re in right now. Just look at these statistics and know the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues in spite of the road being a hard one to travel.

If you find yourself in a time of “giving up” I say give it up. Find another minister in whom you know you can trust and talk it out with them. An experienced guide always knows the road better than those who are traveling it for the first time.

I have found strength in Bro. Cordeiro’s book and he found it in Bro. London’s work as well. This is a needed and never ending chain. We all need our mentors so if you’re down preacher, go find yours!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Friday, July 11, 2014

It's Still Afloat!

Just recently I visited some new folks from my church and had a great visit.  There was one thing that came up I wanted to share here that I've heard a lot that has been bothering me.  One of the folks talked about some people who once attended our church but no longer do so because they were hurt.

C’mon guys, enough of this.   If the church were perfect not a one of us could walk through the door. I told my church last week if I hear one more person tell me how they were “hurt by the church” (a phrase I’ve used myself WAY to often) I'm gonna throw up!  We’ve all been hurt, we’ve all been disappointed but we’ve all hurt someone and we’ve all disappointed someone as well.  I doubt ANY of it was totally intentional, but it happened.   If the church deserves an “F” for its behavior and performance in this generation we’re all part of the blame.  We cannot judge someone by their actions and ourselves by our intentions.  In 19 years of ministry I have failed people an immeasurable number of times.  I failed to return calls or visit the sick.  I misinterpreted what people needed when they talked to me.   I hate those failings but know I will do them again (God help me! ) because no matter how hard I try I will never be perfect.

That knowledge of my limitations MUST influence the way I receive the wounds that others place on me - intentional or otherwise.

If men drive you away from God you’re closer to them than Him.  What happened to me as a pastor almost killed me (seriously) and once I even gave up my credentials with no intent of ever pastoring again.  It was tough but I finally realized it was the Lord who called me and not men.  I won’t let them stop me.

Keep going folks, we were called to be a separate people, offer the other cheek over and over, and you all know a dozen more scripture.  Jesus said “If you love Me you will obey my commands” and if no one else follows or supports us that’s just tough luck.  Faith isn’t about our perception.

Let me finish with this, Edmund Burke is quoted as saying “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  The church will never be perfect but it is the best thing afloat.  If it's messed up it needs YOU to fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Daily Devotion

I'm always encouraging people to start their day with a devotion.  It doesn't have to be a long drawn out part of your day.  There are wonderful books filled with 5 minute devotions that often don't take even that long.  My favorite is one that is free and furnished to me by our church; "The Word for you Today".  I love this little thing.  So often it seems to be just what I needed.  It always provides one verse of scripture for the foundation of what it will share, but to keep it in context I always try to read the entire chapter so I know what is going on.  Note: I throw that rule out if it is citing the 119th Psalm.

Today is Wednesday, July 9th and the devotion was so good I wanted to share it with you.  Now remember, these are not my words nor ideas, but as they spoke to me I pray they speak to you.

Proverbs 2:11 "Discretion will preserve you."
We've all said the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong person, and ended up regretting it.  A pastor was being honored at a retirement dinner, and a local politician had been asked to make a speech.  The politician was running late so the pastor decided to say a few words: "When I came here twenty-five years ago I thought this was a terrible church.  The first man I talked to said he'd stolen, lied, embezzled, had an affair and done drugs.  I was appalled.  Then I realized everybody isn't like that; this church is filled with good people."  Just then the politician arrived and stood up to speak: "I'll never forget the day the pastor arrived and I had the privilege of being the first church member to talk to him."  Loose lips sink ships!  The Bible says "Discretion will preserve you."  Being discreet means having the ability to keep sensitive information private - including things you may have heard years ago!  The writer of Proverbs said, "He who is trustworthy conceals a matter" (Pro. 11:13 NSA), and in the New Testament Paul cautions believers about discussing "things not proper to mention"
(1 Tim. 5:13 NAS).  Divulging what you know about other people's problems and failures may make you feel good momentarily, but afterwards it has a negative impact on the relationship.  Plus, you get a reputation as a person who can't be trusted.  A wise man said, "If your lips would keep from slips, five things observe with care: of whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how, and when, and where."  That's advice you would do well to pay attention to!

Except for me emphasizing some things in colors (that's a note habit for me) that is word for word from my devotion and I heartily recommend your church offer this awesome quarterly devotion.

How I wish I had read those words ten years ago.  Maybe I could have kept myself from saying stupid things to those who turned out to be less than trustworthy.  Perhaps I could have preserved friendships that meant so much to me that their betrayal still haunts me today.  Ignorance may be bliss, but education comes with a cost and I've paid a heavily for my lack of discretion. 

THAT'S why starting each day in the Word is so important.  You cannot depend on your pastor to be there for every moment of your life.  You need to be responsible for your own growth and certain levels of discipleship must be reached alone.

Let me encourage you as never before to learn from my mistakes and avoid you own, daily build your house upon the rock and grow into the person God has called YOU to be.  Hold your tongue and exercise discretion.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Birthday America!

It has been a GREAT 4th of July! As our nation celebrated it’s 238th birthday our family celebrated freedom of choice and did basically what we wanted. It all started with sleeping in (always a favorite of my wife’s). At 10:30 I joined a friend for 18 holes of golf and although I wasn’t close to good, for me it wasn’t bad either. When I got home we did some swimming but to be honest it was almost too cold to enjoy.

Did you catch that? On July 4th in Louisiana it was a cool day! That made the round of golf even more awesome. At one point there was a nice, but not too strong wind that actually gave me a brief shudder! Did I move back to Nebraska and didn’t know it?

Still, swam we did. The whole family basked in the sun on our rafts enjoying the sunshine until I got out to grill some excellent Kansas City strip steaks. My wife fixed up some sweet potatoes and corn on the cob as my boy made a chocolate pie for desert. What a feast!

After that we shot off a few fireworks in our back yard then went inside for a few episodes of our favorite series (this month) until we got sleepy. What an excellent day!

Point? None whatsoever. Just a great day made possible by those warriors who have served our nation ever since that first shot was fired in 1776, those who were willing to pay the ultimate price so that their children could enjoy days like the one we had today.

I LOVE the United States of America!! As we gathered around the dinner table we had a prayer of thanks for our freedom. We thanked the Lord that we were born here and enjoy the liberties that may have been denied us elsewhere. The fireworks, pool, and food were great but I take no pride in them. Today as never before, even with all our problems and division the good ol USA remains the greatest place to live on earth and I proudly proclaim I’m proud to be an American!

Thanks for taking the time to read this testimony (also known as my blog) and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is Betrayal a Good Thing?

Today I was studying Proverbs the 19th chapter when I noticed this:
V. 5 - "A lying witness will not go unpunished.  One who tells lies will not escape."  Then just a few verses later, V. 9 - "A lying witness will not go unpunished.  One who tells lies will die."  Almost the exact same words for what was obviously the exact same thoughts. 

As a minister I've been teased about repetition.  My response is usually "You have to keep drilling to get through some stone heads and icy hearts."  I think that's what the writer of chapter 9 was doing, he wanted to make it loud and clear what he thought of liars.

My wife and I are currently reading a book together entitled "Betrayed" by Pastor Randy Valmont.  His book is about recovering from betrayal because EVERYONE, Christian or not will at some time in their life deal with a level of betrayal.  Now I'm going to keep this short and tell you to openly expect it without allowing fear to creep into your life.  Jesus told us to turn the other cheek (actually "present it") this means offer your offender the chance to do it again. 

Not real easy unless your one of the few who understand the old saying "Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".  With Father's Day recently behind us I found myself missing my dad.  He's been gone 25 years next month and I still miss him!  Even though it hurts to have parted from him in this life I'm so very thankful I had him.  He wasn't always perfect but he was my "pops".

When people hurt us through betrayal it's because we care about them.  Now it will take some time and scars, but try to learn how to appreciate those who betray you (accidentally and on purpose).  Thank God for the love and friendship you shared even if the hurt makes it impossible to continue that relationship.

I know this isn't easy but if you want to grow in your walk with the Lord you've got to master the hard stuff and remember the scriptures I shared to start this.  God WILL take care of those who lie about you.  Don't take pleasure in their punishment but rejoice that it's one more battle you don't have to fight.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Good Message

Last night I really enjoyed myself.  It was Wednesday, March 26th and I brought a message entitled the "Wow" Moment.  Now I fully confess to the listeners it may not have been one of my best.  There were no life changing points nor some great revelation that called the people to repentance or the altar, but I had a good time!

You see last week as I was reading the 9th chapter of John, an area of the Bible I've read countless times (whenever you don't know what the read in the Bible go to those words in red) tears came to my eyes with a new realization.  I saw something that had always been there but I had just never taken note of it. 

Now I'm not going to put what all it was on here but if you'd like the message just let me know and I'll be glad to mail you a DVD at no charge.

What I saw moved me to tears.  I loved what had always been hidden in plain sight from my deep comprehension.  At those words I laid my head down on the Bible on my desk and began to weep.  The Word of God is SO sacred to me.  I just love how the only true God chooses to speak to us through it thousands of years after it was first penned.  A new favorite saying of mine says the Bible is the ONLY book that reads you!  How true that is.

I wrote some notes on a 3x5 card about the chapter and then stuck them in my Bible with no intention of preaching about it.  A lot of things ministers read and study are for themselves, their own personal devotion and strengthening for the call.  A few are for preaching but more are for the preacher!  I learned long ago that something I may be excited about has no relevance for my congregation.  I can be fired up on it and they care less because it was for me, not them.  So with no intent to share what God had shown me I filed it away in my Bible... until Wednesday morning.

I have a new mid-week series I want to start and my intention was to begin that night, the Holy Spirit however had a test for me.  Sometimes the Lord leads us to do things that are a test of our obedience.  Now if it were some great thing, some daunting sacrifice we might jump at the challenge.  When the test of obedience is in the mundane, everyday, convenience/inconvenience things of life we often disregard them and go on doing things our way not even taking notice of the Lord beckoning us to change a few things.

My church will tell you I've been saying repeatedly "What God tells you to do may or may not be a great success it may even be a failure, but what it truly is is a test of your willingness to obey."

So led by a check in my own spirit I shared the "Wow" Moment.  I don't know if it blessed anyone but me, but it doesn't matter.  I had a (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) grrrrreat time!  The message certainly didn't hurt anyone and there were plenty of "amen"s and laughter, but that message was for me and I loved it.

I wonder what message God will give me today?  I wonder what word He will deliver to you?  Understand He wants to talk to us, spend time with us and bless our lives but first we've got to take time for Him.  My message was basically a long testimony of how an awesome, almighty God took the time to show me something new just to bless my heart.  I hope in sharing I was able to do that for my church as well. 

That would NOT have happened if I hadn't taken time to get in His Word.  By spending a few minutes I was blessed, I was educated, and my church had the opportunity to grasp one of those fragment points of scripture that are often lost in the big picture.  Mountains are beautiful, but you have to dig in them to get the gold!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Tragedy of Compromise

I write this entry with an incredibly heavy heart.  Today there were two events that have reminded me of the truth of the Bible as prophecy is jumping right off of its pages into the headlines.

Currently the retail giant Hobby Lobby is in a legal fight as a very worldly US judicial system appears at first impression to side with those who want to force a Christian company to support birth control.  Now to be honest I personally believe any health coverage should include birth control as long as it is offered to a married couple.  However, as I understand it (and agree) attorney's for HL say offering birth control would lead to other compromises that would directly go against their Bible based standards.   Now I had seen this one coming for months as the beliefs of HL owners the Greene family have been targets of liberal activists for some time.

The other event saddened me even more and I didn't see this one coming.  The Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has chosen to show they are far more "world" than Christian and support gay marriage.  The former Christian organization will recognize same sex marriages saying they are following the trend of some churches and defending this by saying this policy will only be extended to "married" same sex and heterosexual couples.

The foul odor of compromise is in the air.

My heart actually aches over these things because fault lies at the feet of the church.  Yes this was prophesied and we knew it was coming but we've acted as though we had no control to stop it.  What a self-indulgent lie.

For the last 25-30 years Christian voters have repeatedly voted their likes, dislikes, and pocketbook instead of the morals outlined in the Word of God.  I don't care if you're a Republican or Democrat what we need in Washington is a true, died in the wool and committed born again believer.  I know a lot of politicians say they are when election time comes around but their voting record and association and support of anti-Christian causes tell a different story.

Let's be honest here.  Christians do not support the yearly holocaust of abortion also known as murder in the name of convenience.  Christians do not support same sex marriage as the Bible is very clear that this form of union is not approved of by God.  Christians do not support the freedom of speech in regard to unacceptable materials in the classroom while the separation of church and state concept has been grossly distorted to remove any mention of God.  These things are not what Christians do and if we have voted for men and women who will then obviously we have misplaced priorities and erected idols in our lives.

For this reason I will never again vote for anyone who will support these kinds of legislation.  It is a matter of conscience that I will not ignore.  I will support those who stand for the Lord unashamedly so that one day He will not be ashamed of me.

Make your decision however you like, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.