Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Apostolic Giants of my Life

I haven't worked on this line in a while as Apostles (the fourth of the Five fold ministries from Ephesians 4:11) in my life is a very broad title.  When I looked up the word I found definitions that included: any important early teacher of Christianity, the Apostles of the early church, a missionary or leader of a religious mission, and so on.

So, since I still have the Prophets category to go, I will devote this group of "Giants" to God's special forces, the missionaries who have touched my life.

Dwain Jones - this man breaks the mold.  He shatters the sterotype of a "boring" missionary.  What a gifted speaker this man of God is.  Dwain can have you laughing and crying three seconds apart with the illustrations he has to share.  Bro. Jones has told me repeatedly he wouldn't be surprised if God called me to the missions field one day and so if he does, I'm ready Lord.

Mark Purkey - Mark is an Evangelist by call but he spends much of his campaigns raising money for highly effective crusades to Europe.  Mark is a fantastic evangelist but I included him with my "Apostles" section because of his love and concern for neighbors who aren't next door. 

Charles Holybee - this mild-mannered preacher may be unknown to many.  Bro. Holybee has served the Lord for years by pastoring while ministering in Oklahoma prisons.  This man is not puffed up, has no great budget, but is an awesome example of someone who is working for a reward not seen by mortal eyes.  If you ever read this Bro. Holybee I want you to know you are one of my heroes.

There are many, many, more I could add to this list but I won't for fear of a grevious ommission.  I do want to say that anyone who answers the call of God to go where there is no friend, no comforts, and no assurance of success you are a testimony to the world of the all surpassing love of God.  Thank you so much for all you do for the lost and the example you set for those who strive to serve the Lord.  God bless you all!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Do you have any heroes in your life?  Now of course there are those who are famous and bigger than the everyday norm, some of mine are; Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..  But real heroes surround us everyday.  They are the firemen who rush into a blazing house to save those who cannot help themselves.  They are police officers who walk the line everyday to keep our society in a form of order and not chaos.  They are teachers who do not receive proper pay or respect as they provide the education that springs forth other heroes such as doctors, lawmakers, soldiers, and scientists.  Yes we have a lot of heroes to be thankful for.

But one of my greatest heroes was a man most have never heard of, Rev. Marvin K. McElhannon, my uncle.  My uncle Marvin went to be with the Lord in 2007 after sixty plus years of preaching the gospel.  He never pastored a large church, never wrote a book and his name isn't well known outside the fellowship of Assembly of God churches in Oklahoma.  Yet he will always be a hero to me.

When he was still a young man he lost his left arm in a silly everyday accident.  He didn't allow that to hinder a ministry that touched many lives.  When he passed the funeral program beautifully said "Who would have thought a one armed man could reach so far?"  That is why he is heroic.

As a pastor I often see many things I do not like.  People inside and out of the church don't always treat each other as they should.  They believe their motives are pure and so they go ahead with behavior that hurts others.  I know because this pastor has hurt others when I had nothing but good intentions.  We're all fallable (1st John 1:8 "If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves").  On the other hand whenever someone hurts me I have a tendency to try and defend myself.  It may be normal but it isn't exactly saintly and it is a habit I want to overcome. 

In this regard I want to be like my hero, my uncle Marvin.  As a pastor in a small town he was the man!  He never offered his wisdom or even his opinion unless asked.  If someone said something hurtful or hateful he would try to ignore it, laugh it off, or bring a solid word of correction without any rancor and then he would forgive immediately.  That's worthy of imitating.

WWJD was a Christian campaign that had a lot of merit.  Before taking action we were encouraged to ask ourselves "What Would Jesus Do?"  Allow the moral and spiritual character we know from the Word of God to guide our decisions.  That works on so many levels, but I've found in ministry there are some situations and behaviors I cannot imagine what Jesus would say and do.  That's when I ask myself WWUMD?  What would Uncle Marvin Do? 

Please don't think this is some kind of idol worship, that I have elevated my late uncle to a god-like status.  Not at all.  Rather I use my memories of how Marvin would deal with situations and people as a guide when I face similar problems.  I remember how his close relationship and humility gave him wisdom.  God really values humility in His servants (Galatians 6:3 "The man who thinks he is something when he is nothing, deceives himself"). 

Already I see this paying dividends in my current pastorate.  I no longer preach on what I'm going through, but what I've already come through.  I am learning not to say a word when someone says something critical or ugly but sleep on it and try to consider what their motivation for such behavior was.  It's working. 

In 1st Corinthians 11:1 Paul said "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ", and that's what we should all do.  If you battle the flesh (and we all do) to be all the Lord wants you to be remember an example of Christ from your life that can serve as your Paul.  A good example always directs us to follow Christ.  We learn what Jesus would do by seeing what they would do.  Who knows, maybe one day when someone is facing a struggle of their own they might ask the Lord what would YOU do in this situation.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teaching Giants of my life...

This is part three of my post series on the men and women who ministered to me in my life, those "Giants" who invested their time and wisdom to disciple an honery kid who became a pastor.  As with all good series, this didn't start as such but had so many good points that I felt Ephesians 4:11 deserved a full look.  I want to remember my Sunday School teachers in the hope it may inspire todays teachers who have problem children they deal with each week.  Who knows, that kid that is a test for you each week could be your pastor one day (and then you can pay him/her back!).

In NO particular order...
Phyllis Jones - Phyllis is the first Sunday School teacher I remember (and just barely).  Although I had her for a very short time after we moved she remains in my heart.  The love and fuzzy memories I still possess for her should remind us all that even when we teach the very little ones we are playing an important foundational role in their lives.  Thanks Phyllis and all you other folks who teach the most tiring ages.

Betty Kelough - As a kid my parents moved me from the Texas panhandle to Okmulgee, Oklahoma.  It was hard leaving my friends and my church, but Betty made it better.  She taught us, entertained us, and she even introduced me to pizza! (PTL!) Whenever I hear people talk about a church that has cell groups I think of Betty because her class WAS everything cell groups try to be today.  She was a trend setter!

Danny Rhodes - Dan taught our SS class, taught at the local high school, and was even a coach.  You'd think this man would have had enough of us kids but he taught our class for almost 6 years!  He set an example of dedication I wish todays "tired" generation could learn from.  Thanks Coach!

Dianna Milligan - My mother in law was an AWESOME SS teacher.  When I was an older teen she took over our class and did such a great job even knotheaded boys listened!  Her class was fun and interesting, almost a Sunday morning youth group.  She had the unusual gift of making it seem like you had come to her home for a devotional and fellowship.  She was a crown jewell in our church's SS ministry.

Ronald Milligan - My father in law was also a gifted teacher.  Anytime he isn't teaching I think what a waste of talent.  One series in particular sticks with me and that was a study of the life of David.  What Ron didn't teach he intrigued me to go discover.  That's the best kind of teaching.

There have been several others I have seen and listened to as a Pastor, but these 5 remain giants in my limited life.  Thank you to all who have worked with so little recognition.  I know the Lord has taken note.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Traveling Giants of my life...

Ephesians 4:11 tells us "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers" .  This is what is referred to as the "Five-Fold Ministry", meaning the five callings God places on His children "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:  Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" (Eph. 4:12&13). 

I enjoyed myself so much with the reflection my previous post (Giants of my life) brought, that I thought I would do the same for the other offices God has used to shape and make me who I am.  I started with Pastors, now here are the Evangelists.

Mikel French - Under this man's ministry I received the call to ministry myself. (A revival he held at 1st A/G in Okmulgee, OK)

Sam Austin - My favorite preacher.  Somehow what Bro. Sam preaches goes down into the depths of my soul.  Many a time when things have bothered me I have pulled out an old tape and let his words minister to me all over again.

Renee Moore - My sister has the fire (and she is Tracy's favorite).  Renee has a passion for old time Pentecost today and the way she delivers her sermons would make an Egyptian mummy shout!   

Glen Berry - Not the most dynamic preacher, but I've NEVER seen anyone with such an anointing in the altars.  He delivers a solid word (it's great stuff just reserved in presentation) but when he prays the Holy Spirit moves in Pentecostal fire.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Giants of my life...

Thought I’d take a moment to thank the Lord for these pastors who sowed into my life;
H.A. Brummet - bigger than life and carried the authority of the Lord everywhere he went. I was actually in “awe” of him.
John Randell - his genuine love made you feel welcome just from his “hello”.
Ivan Ackerman - no shepherd ever cared more for his sheep.
Raymond Shann - I’ve never known anyone with his passion for the Spirit.
Roy Rogers - hands down the best preacher of any pastor I’ve ever had.
Junior Hogue- a pastor to an entire community, with no reservations of who you were or where you go.
Jeff Connett - a man who displays the joy of the Lord in everything he does.
Rick McElhannon - a mentor, cousin and friend. I don’t know where I’d be without him.