Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Monday, August 13, 2012

Just some ramblings...

I don't really have a theme this morning as I sit at my desk, but I just wanted to blog so let's see where this goes.

God has been so incredibly good to me that I just couldn't keep it inside.  The last few days as I walked out of our temporary home I have seen some small deer (little fawns) run scampering into the woods.  So, repeatedly the scripture "As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God" (Psalm 42:1)

I'm going through one of those wonderful times of fulfillment all long time Christians go through. When we first get saved there is such excitement and zeal, but with the passage of time we level off, plateau, and even fade.  That' a dangerous time because it's on the plateau we can begin to roll back, backslide ever so slightly with the imperceptive slope of not moving forward. In these times we question our faith and begin to seek counsel or listen to those voices that may mean no harm but bring it none the less. 

But for those who WILL hold their place on he level ground there also comes times of refreshing and growth.  A personal revival when we feel born again all over.  That's where I am for this season and I am so enjoying it.

My day started with some VERY kind words from a cousin (I'm so thankful or my family) and that prepares me for whatever the day has ahead.  I read in the Bible when Paul was closing his letter to the Roman church (Romans 16) he repeatedly said "Say a kind word to..." and as I float on clouds today because of this unsolicited contact I am reminded of how important it is for us to encourage one another.  Battles may come my way today, struggles right around the corner but history shows us that those who fight from the high ground usually win.  A kind word had me up on the heights so bring it on devil, bring it on!

I am at a time in my life when my soul pants for the Lord.  A better definition is my soul is "gasping for the Lord who sustains me".  A good word in the midst of a personal revival makes up a dangerous combination to the kingdom of hell.  Look out devil, I's ready for you today!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  May God bless you and keep you!

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