Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Living Legends

Just the other day I was reading an article about the upcoming retirement of a sports icon.  The Atlanta Braves Chipper Jones will hang up his glove after 19 incredible years.  Over the near two decades he has amassed some Cooperstown statistics that are so amazing and yet I had never noticed.  Why?  Because I've always been a Braves fan, so much that I didn't notice this great star on my team of stars.

It got me to thinking, I've seen a LOT of legendary players in my 45 years of life.  I watched Joe Montana lead the 49ers to multiple Superbowl championships.  I cheered Emmit Smith as he broke the NFL all time rushing title.  I beamed as I watched Michael Jordan lead the Bulls to a dynasty and don't get me started on the heydays of watching Larry Bird take on Magic Johnson.  Wow!  That's just a few by the way.

Sometimes we are witnessing legends and we don't even notice or appreciate them until they're gone.  Which brings me to James Mooney.  If you don't know him don't feel bad, I didn't know him until I became pastor of Rocky Branch Assembly of God. 

James Mooney is a legend of the faith.  He has served the Lord for over 60 years and many of those in the shadows.  He has ministered to and prayed for thousands in that time.  He often was unpaid and wasn't looking for thanks, he was merely serving the Lord to the best of his ability.

At Rocky Branch he has cast a GIANT shadow.  People have a profound respect for this man and his gentle ways because they've seen his works and taken note.  Now in the twilight of his life he cares for his sweetheart of 64 (I believe) years and I know the people are noting his dedication and love for her at this time as well. 

Giants are all around us.  Everyday normal men and women are doing incredible things for the Lord simply because they love Him.  They sacrifice for His call, love people who use them, pray for those who criticise them and when they are gone it's tragic that only then do we appreciate their works.

Chipper Jones will no doubt end up in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  With his career he deserves it and in his last season even those who booed him have taken time to admire what he has accomplished.  There will be no enshrinement for men like James Mooney, Marvin McElhannon, James Sullivan, Don Scroggins,or Leroy Stevenson but there are those of us who HAVE taken notice and if we in our pitiful little abilities can take note I know our infinite God has as well.

Men like those I just listed are the types mentioned in Hebrews chapter eleven, also known as the "Hebrews Heroes Hall of Fame".  They will walk with other giants of the faith and I believe those of us who are still working once they've gone on to their reward will quote Hebrews 11:38 and say "the world was not worthy of them".

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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