Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the Damaging Debate

Last night the people of the United States watched the 2nd presidential debate between the Democratic incumbent Barack Obama and the Republican challenger Mitt Romney.  In the first debate the challenger was given the edge due to his strong performance and the President's overly subdued demeanor.  In the weeks that have followed even die-hard supporters have bashed the president for his lack of passion and it was evident last night this was an attitude he would not bring again.  The result was a contentious and terse debate that saw the men almost in each others faces.

Polls quickly followed that told how undecided voters felt uncomfortable in those moments as it seemed to show not who was superior, but that as always the two parties cannot get along.  Instead of telling us what they can do to "fix" our nation they would rather tear one another down as the other cried foul with "That's not true!"  For the undecided voters who will decide this election it was just more of the same and they are still undecided as they are weary of the party strife.

This morning as I was getting ready for the day and in prayer about the details (that's how I refer to the daily stuff, concerns that are not really emergencies) I believe I had an epiphany from the Lord.  I don't know if it was so much He spoke to my heart, but in my mind I thought "People are SO tired of this house divided it's no wonder they don't vote or don't even care.  Voter apathy is almost justified"  That's when it was almost as if another voice said to me "It's the same with my church.  Why would people want to come into a place of division?"

I lost my breath.  In just one moment it was as if a hundred realizations and thoughts popped into my mind.  Why on earth would someone looking for answers or down-trodden by life want to go to church for the answers or even relief when all they hear about is infighting and strife?

With 45 years in church and never a prolonged time away from the fellowship with other believers I have seen and heard a LOT of horror stories.  I can say without fear of being wrong that what hurts the church more than anything is the people who go there.  Across denominational lines we have the most ridiculous disagreements over petty little things that simply do not matter in the puzzle of eternity.

Someone may be going through a divorce or have torturous drama at home, so when they come to their local church seeking guidance what do they find but a split as one group wants blue paint in the new building and another wants yellow.  When they walk through the door they aren't welcomed, they're recruited!  Quickly leaving that mess they go to another church, a different denomination hoping that it will be different and it is.  Here there's a popularity contest going on as one leading family wants their loved one on the board of directors and another family wants theirs.  Out those doors they run to the last church down the street with yet another sign out front.  Here everyone is friendly but when they find out this person had tried two other churches the roast is on.  They begin to tell the newcomer how good it is that they've come to their church as all the others are SO wrong and crazy with their beliefs and surely going to hell because they don't believe as they do.

Like those apathetic voters they see nothing but contention and why would ANYONE want to join another dysfunctional family?

Now I am not promoting oneness or a single united denomination but what I am saying is we've all got to stop this now.  Recent statistics show that people in the United States are leaving churches across the lines.  As older generations pass new believers are not coming in to replace them and I believe it is because the church has given them many reasons to run away.

Every time we have fights, splits, gossip and broken confidances, every time we bash the preacher or fuss about things in the house of God we are giving a public opinion of why people should stay away.  Who would want to run into a falling house?  We must grow up.  We must put the needs of others before our own.  We must turn the other cheek when we are offended and continue to strive together before the world is completly lost.

In my life I have had plenty of wounds that came in church and I want you to know as bad as they hurt the love and concern I have received FAR outweigh those scars.  I want you to join me as we raise up a new generation that will not waist our time cursing the dark but praising the light.  No matter where you attend do not bash the church down the street or promote your disagreements.  Handle things in the Biblical ways.  We must work together and love on one another as we lift up the name of Jesus.  The old gospel ship will not sink as long as we do not scuttle her. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED! (Jer. 31:3)

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