Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Weekend to Remember

OK, first of all there is no particular rhyme or reason to my blog.  Some blogs are deep, some are angry rants, some are insightful and others are spiritual.  Minus the anger (I hope) mine could be anything.  That's why this particular entry is more of a testimony that was too long for Facebook. 

I have had a particularly GREAT weekend, so good I had to write.  It started with Friday.  My wife (Tracy) left early to attend a WM's (Women's Ministries) conference hostED by the state office for the Assemblies of God.  Now this wasn't good for me as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my wife.  She is my best friend and I miss her tremendously when we are apart but it was a good thing for her!  We have a great women's group at our church but there is just something about getting together with others outside your own local church that is special.  Tracy doesn't like to be away from me and the kids so when she decided she wanted to go I KNEW she would get blessed and did she ever!!  She has been telling me about the richness of God's presence, the anointed worship, and the powerful life changing testimonies that were shared.  She committed that which is most valuable these days (her time) and she has been blessed for it.  When my wife is blessed so am I so we were off to a great start.

With Tracy out of town and the kids in school I had time on my hands and coupons for some free golf.  I had received these things for pastor appreciation and this pastor sure appreciated it.  It was a beautiful day, cost me nothing but my time and I learned something.  The only thing worse than playing a bad round of golf by yourself is playing a good round of golf by yourself.  There's no one there to see it!  Still, solitary golf is spiritual for me.  I talk to the Lord a lot while I'm playing.  I guess it's praying but it feels more like we are hanging out. 

When school was over the kids and I had dinner at home (that's when I REALLY miss my wife, seems like a leg is missing) and soon after my daughter went to a youth group activity leaving my son and I home alone.  What to do?  What else?  BATMAN!!  We watched the Michael Keaton version from the 80's.  Not quite as dark as recent versions and my boy loved it until he fell asleep.  Soon after my little girl came home and everyone went to sleep.  Nice Friday.

We were up early Saturday morning so my little girl could help with the youth group garage sale for missions.  My boy and I went to breakfast together then afterwards we played his FIRST round of golf that didn't include the word miniature.  He did (no disrespect to Tony the Tiger) GRRRREAT!  Of course I played as well (had to instruct didn't I?) and I caught a glimpse of my future golf buddy.  Excuse me I need a tissue for my allergies.

When we were done we picked up the daughter who's activity was about done and headed to Ruston, Louisiana for some college football.  As a reward for good grades my son received a free ticket to watch the #22 Louisiana Tech Bulldogs play so his sister and I tagged along.  Beautiful day, free tailgating food, and the home team won.  What's not to love?

When we got home my lovely wife was here to welcome us with hugs and kisses so now a very tired family is resting for a wonderful reunion tomorrow.  What reunion?  We will see our church family in the house of God!  I'm so excited about what He might do as I feel like I've had a mini vacation, Tracy is refreshed, and the kids love their church.  Yes, it has been one great weekend.

Many people have been posting daily "things they are thankful for" since it is November/Thanksgiving month.  I hope whatever you do you will take the time to tell someone how thankful you are for the blessings God puts in your life everyday.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

1 comment:

  1. Just a follow up; we sure had a great time in church this morning. The Men's class I am teaching was the best yet and when it came time to preach I got so happy this fat bit had to run! I feel like a TRULY blessed man!!!
