Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Absolutely NO Point to this one

Tonight, for the first time in about 15 years I played real basketball.  At our church (Rocky Branch Assembly of God in Farmerville, LA) we started a 40+ Basketball league.  For this first get together it was more of a fellowship as we had just a handful of men show up.  The target group is men who are over the age of 40 or have a waist of over 40 and needing exercise.  WHAT was I thinking?!?  We played just two games, split the outcome, and worked up a good sweat with multiple breaks.  It was fun but since I'm already sore I fear what the next day or two might bring.  "Groooooaaaan"

My son recently bought a pint size, individual ice cream maker.  In less than 10 minutes you can have authentic home made ice cream - whatever flavor you desire.  I think the devil created this machine.

I'm SO crazy about my wife, SO very proud of my kids, and love, love, love our home cooked meals around the dining table.   Recently one of the wonderful couples in our awesome church gave us a lot of fresh deer meat and we are enjoying this flavorful, steroid-less and hormone free food.  I've never been a hunter but I was also raised that hunting was a-ok.  Thank you Lord for this blessing to our home!

As my first Louisiana winter is half over I have come to the conclusion that it's a cupcake.  Wimp.

I'm very thankful I've never been tempted by alcohol.  My (admittedly limited) experience with people who are intoxicated is it seems to magnify the worst parts of their personality.  Considering this and how I'm rarely happy with myself I fear I'd be a real jerk.

Soon they're coming out with Iron man 3, Thor 2, and there's another Captain America movie in the works.  I say "So what?  Bring on the green guy, I want more of the Incredible Hulk!" 

One last rambling.  I am one of those rare men who has a wife for his best friend.  There is no one I'd rather spend my time with than my wonderful bride of almost 18 years.  I remember our first date, where we first held hands, where we first kissed and my greatest regret is that I didn't marry her sooner.  I said there was no point to this blog entry but here's one for free: To lie down each night with the first person you want to see when you wake up is a blessing so wonderful it had to be from God.  Whatever you have to do, work to make your relationship with your spouse like that.  Because I love her and know she loves me I can trust her, I cherish her prayers above all others, and I would give my life to protect her.  My point is I am aware of how the Lord must love me to send this wonderful girl into my life.  I pray you have someone like that.

Now I'm going to go eat some ice cream to chill the burning sensation in my arms and legs from basketball.  Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember YOU ARE LOVED!

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