Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Monday, January 21, 2013

It'll All Pan Out

I'm proud to say I didn't watch a minute of yesterday's NFL playoff games or a second of today's presidential inauguration.  Please don't misunderstand I'm not against either of those things (in fact I love football and pray for the president often) it's just been a wonderfully busy couple of days.  To our society both are of paramount importance but just how important should they be to a Christian?

I've been seeing a lot of people ranting and raving about a great number of things on Facebook, TV, websites and the list goes on.  They're all so passionate about worthwhile causes I think they lose sight of the MOST important thing, obeying the Lord!

Jesus didn't spend His time complaining about the Roman Government.  Paul used sports as a metaphor but he wasn't obsessed with it.  Some blast the church endlessly for the watered down preaching and the seeker friendly formats and although the Gospels did address this in part it was a very small part of the message. 

In Mark the tenth chapter Jesus was met by a man who wanted top know what he could do to inherit eternal life.  The Lord gave him the short list of stereotyped good behavior and when the man heard those things he said "I've obeyed all these commandments since I was a boy."  the Word of God says "Jesus looked at him and loved him.  He told him 'You're still missing one thing.  Sell everything you have.  Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then  follow me!'"

The one thing he lacked wasn't a heart for the poor.  I believe he didn't have his heart centered on doing what the Father wanted him to.  He was religious while being distracted with wealth in the same way I believe so many are distracted with their worthy causes today. 

Sam Austin, one of my all time favorite evangelists made a valid point I will use for an example.  A lot of Christians argue their view of the tribulation.,  Some say the church will be raptured out before so they are pre-tribulationists.  Others say the rapture will happen after so they are post-tribulationists.  Sam says is such an argument he is a pan-tribulationist because he believes it will all "pan out."

We are too distracted by our fears for this nations future.  We make idols of sports and athletes.  We complain about the church so much we lose the effectiveness we still possess.  We need people who love and believe in God so much they trust Him and obey as He leads without making a sideshow of all the other things in our lives.  I often say I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know who holds tomorrow.  It's more than a cliche it's a pronouncement of FAITH!

I'm not worried about the president, gun control, or even the persecution of the church I believe God is in control and I will serve Him no matter what politicians say or what is considered popular.  Sports are fun but they are just games the same as we play at home or with friends.  Instead of bashing the church publicly and weakening it's witness even more why don't we obey the word and fix it from the inside?

I know some would say I'm burying my head in the sand about these issues and I would reply you must not have heard me preach recently.  I do not back away from these issues but I also would rather praise the light than curse the darkness.  How many people have all the griping and complaining, the doom and the gloom rants on the web brought to the cross of Jesus Christ?  Very few I'd bet.  I believe we need to show the way.

I could quote you a ton of scriptures here about why such behaviors are foolish and you probably already know them so I instead will close with a favorite of faith. 
Philippians 1:3-6 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;"

The Lord started us on this journey and if we will not get distracted we can lift up the name of Jesus so that all men can be drawn to Him.  That's hard to do when our words are full of bile.  Lift HIM up friends and watch how He will take care of the issues. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember YOU ARE LOVED!

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