Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful
Every night has a New Day Coming

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

I've said before this blog isn't always about some great revelation.  Occasionally I testify or even get on my soap box if I see something that burns my biscuits.  This edition is definitely a testimony.

The last 48 hours have been one of the best Christmas Eve/Christmas Day I've ever known.  Many of our church folks had asked us "Are you going home for Christmas?' to which our reply was "We are home."  This wasn't trying to be reassuring or anything of the like, but a straight response of how we love our new home and how there's no draw to go elsewhere.  There's an old song that said "Home is where you're happy when you're happy you're home."  Then PTL we're home.

The day before Christmas we had finished all our shopping and were blessed to sleep late.  A brother in the Lord invited me to a round of golf and even though it was December 24th it was warm enough we worked up a sweat (we've started walking the course for health benefits).  When we finished I took the family out for lunch and a little grocery shopping that was Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve.  I learned that when you have no more gifts to buy the hustle and bustle is MUCH less stressful.

We came home, did a few chores around the house, watched a Christmas movie or two while we feasted on a buffet of home cooked meals (left overs) in the refrigerator.  By that time our relaxed day had become 8:30 in the evening and I had an idea.  We took a long drive around our new home to see what it looked like under the peace and calm blanket of the year's most holy night.  We went everywhere and were about to come home when my cell phone rang.  A man who our church had been praying for had left this world for a new and wonderful heavenly home.

Now it may seem strange but this was a blessing too.  You see, although this gentleman was not directly a part of our church, his family is a big part of it.  We went to their home and spent a couple of hours talking with those he left behind and in my heart I marvelled at the love and concern of this family.  Their devotion to one another was inspiring and somehow made the night seem more "holy".  By the time we got home it was in the wee hours of Christmas morning and I fell asleep in prayer as I thanked God for my own loved ones.

Christmas Day we unwrapped our wonderful gifts, ate WAY too much of a holiday meal making recipes from my wife's family, and then went with friends to see Les Miserables with a packed audience.  All in all a truly great day.

Now I sit here on my couch with the kids tucked in their beds and my sweetheart asleep beside me.  I am a blessed and dare I say rich man.  I will always remember this Christmas for a number of good reasons, but the one I think will stick with me more than any other is the sense of gratitude that I retire with.  Deeper than Thanksgiving should be our appreciation for what Christmas truly brings, the best present which is our families. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and YOU ARE LOVED!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Et Tu, Brute"

Not long ago I was forced to retire a couple of my favorite Bibles for their own preservation.  These were my everywhere, everything Bibles.  I had used them in sermon prep, attending services, holding notes, etc. the list is long.  But after such wear they were beginning to fall apart so I needed a new one.  Now most pastors have a lot of Bibles.  We get them as gifts, buy them as resources and so all I needed to do was go to my bookcase and there sat one, brand new and still in it's box.

This Bible had a beautifully tooled leather cover and even had my name imprinted on it in gold lettering.  It was almost perfect.  The almost comes from the fact that the words of Christ were not printed in red (always been a pet peeve of mine).  Normally I would have just set it back aside but there was something about the easy reading of it that drew me so I thought "I'll just have to fix this one myself" and I set about to highlight every word of Jesus.  Wow!  What a great idea that turned out to be.  In reading and then re-reading as I made sure I highlighted the right words I have been so moved and excited by a perspective I have never noticed before.  It is from there I want to share something with you.

In John 13:21 the word says "After Jesus said this, he was very troubled. He said openly, “I tell you the truth, one of you will turn against me.”  I couldn't quit dwelling on that and couldn't figure out why.  Jesus was VERY troubled by Judas betrayal even though He knew it would happen.  WHY?  Jesus had told everyone that one of them would betray Him.  He knew it was coming and from whom.  This leads me to conclude there was an especially close bond between Jesus and Judas.  Look at John 13:21-30 and see what I mean.  Even when He pointedly said who it was the others could not grasp it.  I say this because later after the betrayal and before His arrest in the garden Judas is with the gang as if the Lord's revelation of betrayal had never happened (John 14:18-24).  The disciples undoubtedly said among themselves, "He couldn't mean Judas will betray Him."

So even though they didn't get it and Jesus knew what would happen it didn't seem to lessen the blow.  Again I wondered why, but not for long.  The answer is obvious in ourselves.  Jesus became flesh and in many ways He experienced all the same things we do.  Now He was facing a terrible betrayal.  Jesus knew and loved Judas.  Our Lord had chosen the twelve Himself.  They had walked dusty roads, preached to thousands, slept beside the same campfires and shared many meals together.  Those men were undoubtedly closer to the Lord than His own family of flesh.  They were truly His friends (John 15:15) and even though He knew it was coming the "Son of God" was born of Mary and the pain of disloyalty cut Him deep.

I looked up betrayal in the Bible and found this on the HeartQuest 101 site: "Scripture records a number of occasions in which a person or group was betrayed. The tragedies caused by these violations of trust are a strong lesson about the importance of keeping our commitments, and building trust in relationships."  Some examples they give are;
  1. Delilah betrayed Samson to the Philistines. Judges 16:16-21
  2. David betrayed Uriah to hide his sin. 2 Samuel 11:14-15
  3. Absalom betrayed Amnon, his half-brother, to avenge the rape of his sister. 2 Samuel 13:28
  4. Absalom betrayed David, his father, as he sought to steal the kingdom. 2 Samuel 15:10-17
  5. Joab betrayed Amasa, a rival military officer. 2 Samuel 20:10
  6. Jehu betrayed Joram and killed him. 2 Kings 9:14-27
  7. Officials betrayed Joash and killed him. 2 Kings 12:20, 21
  8. Haman betrayed God’s people. Esther 3:8-11
  9. Officials betrayed Daniel and attacked him for his devotion to God. Daniel 6:4-5, 6-8
  10. Judas betrayed Jesus, and handed Him over to the religious leaders. Matthew 26:46-56
  11. The Jews betrayed Paul, and conspired to kill him. Acts 23:12-14
Betrayal is nothing new yet the pain remains powerful, even more so when it is by those closest to us. Never forget that Jesus knew Peter would betray His friendship when he denied even knowing Him (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13).  Like everyone else I have known the pain of disloyalty.  In fact the first time I took note of Jeremiah 12:6 I felt as though the Lord was talking directly to me.  Betrayal may hurt but instead of being bitter or angry we should take note again of Jesus and what He did after all this.  Although Judas took his own life and sealed his eternal fate Jesus prayed for the rest who had abandoned Him (John 17:1-26) and personally made sure Peter KNEW he was forgiven (John 21:15-19).  We have to forgive those who "spitefully use us" or even those who would just like to bring us harm (Matthew 5:39). 

In my own situation I found that when I forgave I served myself.  Someone who had been very dear to me had hurt me and I had been in denial about it until I received a phone call from a third party that opened my eyes to things I will not share here.  Needless to say the next few months were difficult.  But when the Lord spoke to my heart that I had to let that go if I was going to serve Him I chased after it until I could.  I wrote a letter to the one who had hurt me and held on to it for quite a while before I could send it.  It was only when I dropped it in the mailbox that I felt the burden lift from my heart.

Forgive others for yourself.  See what loving imperfect people can do for your own imperfect soul.  I can promise you that you will be glad you did.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Darkest Moment of Ministry

I don't know if I've EVER shared with anyone what I'm going to talk about in this blog.  Not that it's a great secret or anything scandalous, it's just something I hated when it happened.

A short four years ago my mother-in-law, Dianna Milligan passed away after a heroic battle with breast cancer.  Now many people do not like their mother-in-law but I was the opposite, I loved her.  I was probably closer to that incredible lady than I was to my own mom.  It makes sense since I had my mom in my life for 19 years and Dianna for 23.  She was a confidant, buddy, sister, mom, and dear friend.  Her loss was hard to get over and left a much larger void in my life than I could ever have imagined.  She made me feel like I was her son and not a son-in-law.

When Dianna passed I had been her pastor for around seven years and what a privilege it was.  She was faithful right up to the end even watching the church nursery from a wheelchair.  She was hard working, dedicated, kind, giving, and in an area I appreciate now more than ever I knew she always had my back.  If someone said something bad about me, look out!  She was ready to defend and never believe anything negative without talking to me first.  What a blessing.

After she had passed and my father-in-law was making the funeral arrangements it fell to me to perform the service.  Knowing how close we were some wondered if I could get through the obvious emotions but confidently I said I could. 

You see I WANTED to deliver that message because she had meant so much to me.  I wanted it to be the greatest funeral message I could ever hope to give and so I studied, prayed, and reflected on my friend much deeper than any other message before or since.  I wrote, re-wrote, printed and reprinted my sermon notes over and over to make sure I could convey to those who would be in attendance what a great and rare lady we had all shared.  When the day came I was ready, or so I thought.

The funeral was beautiful.  Her family, friends, and co-workers shared different things that were touching and inspiring.  When it came time for me to speak I went with confidence to the pulpit and off I went preaching a homegoing message for a woman I knew had entered the gates of heaven with a big smile on her face (funerals are sad so homegoings aren't funerals to me) .

When I preach I write very detailed notes.  I know some don't and even others think that's wrong as if the Lord is limited because you write out what you feel He is saying to you in preparation for preaching.  Others even complain that notes remove our reliance on the Lord and to that I say "hogwash" because I wouldn't have a clue what to write without Him.  I know because I've tried.

With my four pages of notes (that's pretty standard for me on most messages) I began.  I spoken with tear filled eyes and my voice occasionally cracked, but I felt great about everything I was sharing until I got to the last page.  It was then that I noticed I had made a critical mistake.  In my writing and re-writing, printing and reprinting I had messed up and had not brought a page four but two sheets of page three.  Somewhere back at my home sat the conclusion of my message.

You must understand that the conclusion or closure of a sermon is the most important part.  It is where scriptures, examples, and stories are tied together to make a point and of ALL times I didn't include that critical information in my notes. 

It's amazing how time can seem to stand still in a moment.  I know to the crowd that day it mush have seemed but a brief pause, but for me it was as a thousand years.  The thoughts warped through my head; "Oh no! How could I have done this? This messes everything up and Dianna deserved my best!"  I though many other things in that millisecond but quickly I regrouped and closed from my heart.  It went fine but I was devastated inside.  Now I know all the things most would say in comfort and I would agree and say them to someone else too but that was a very, very dark moment for me. 

To this day some four years later that mistake occasionally haunts me.  In fact every time I have something I consider different or important come up there's that memory of failure.  Now at this point I could quote you a number of scriptures (2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:13, James 4:10 and thankfully the list is long in this regard) but what I want you to know is every time that dark moment comes up I center on this: "It's all right."  Simple but true.

There's only been ONE person in the history of humanity who was perfect and for me to expect myself or anyone else to be is asking way too much.  I forgive myself of that blunder every time it comes up and if you have anything in your life that haunts you please try it.  You will never be able to forgive others until you can truly forgive yourself.  Let it go and if it comes back let it go again.

I don't know if this story will help anyone but I felt led of the Lord to share.  All our hurts don't always come from someone else and all our mistakes don't always have a tangible scar.  Sometimes we just have a heart broken by our own hands.  Whatever happened friend let it go as you would want someone else to do. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and always remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!

- For my friend

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Moving Forward

Today I put on an old church T-shirt. “So what” you say? Well you need to know it’s the first time I have put it on since I resigned as pastor of that church. It was a big moment for me even if no one else thought about it or cared.

I’ve served as pastor of six churches in my years of ministry all filled with mountains and valleys. For a long time I believed it was my ministry to serve as a part-time pastor for churches that could not afford a full-time position. Often I went in to rebuild after a split or other such situation that had left the church depleted and needing to start over. I did this until physically I couldn’t any longer.

When things go bad in a church an often overlooked casualty is the minister. Please don’t misunderstand, I know full well in such times it’s often the leaders fault things go as they do but RARELY was the crash planned. In fact I’d say almost never is a church catastrophe what people wanted and those hurt or offended forget that in their own hurt or anger.

When there is dissention, factions, gossip, moral failure, or even the disastrous split the local body suffers and the pain starts in the heart of the shepherd. He or she must bear this burden more than anyone else even after they’ve gone somewhere else.

The shirt I wear today is from one of my most pleasant memories. When it ended my heart was shattered in ways I could not have imagined it could be. Almost everything that could have happened short of moral failure took place and the cost was unimaginable. I could see it coming, I had been told it was coming and even made contingency plans to prepare for it but when it did I couldn’t handle it.

I thought of leaving the ministry for good. I considered many, many excessive reactions and today as I wear that shirt I praise my God that I didn’t do them.

So, back to that shirt. When I moved on I burned many of my memories as to protect myself from them. How foolish. Memory is in your mind not a drawer. I have prayed for YEARS about this hurt as I asked God to help me overcome my bitterness, regret, and pain. It didn’t happen overnight but I can definitely feel it getting better.

I look at myself in the shirt and a flood of good memories flood over me, the good outweighing the bad in massive proportions and I want you to know this can happen to you as well but you must keep seeking the Father. I think of Galatians 6:9
where it says “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Moving on is a heart issue no matter why you need to move on or where from the most important thing is do not give up. Keep praying, keep seeking the Lord, just never, ever quit.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Weekend to Remember

OK, first of all there is no particular rhyme or reason to my blog.  Some blogs are deep, some are angry rants, some are insightful and others are spiritual.  Minus the anger (I hope) mine could be anything.  That's why this particular entry is more of a testimony that was too long for Facebook. 

I have had a particularly GREAT weekend, so good I had to write.  It started with Friday.  My wife (Tracy) left early to attend a WM's (Women's Ministries) conference hostED by the state office for the Assemblies of God.  Now this wasn't good for me as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my wife.  She is my best friend and I miss her tremendously when we are apart but it was a good thing for her!  We have a great women's group at our church but there is just something about getting together with others outside your own local church that is special.  Tracy doesn't like to be away from me and the kids so when she decided she wanted to go I KNEW she would get blessed and did she ever!!  She has been telling me about the richness of God's presence, the anointed worship, and the powerful life changing testimonies that were shared.  She committed that which is most valuable these days (her time) and she has been blessed for it.  When my wife is blessed so am I so we were off to a great start.

With Tracy out of town and the kids in school I had time on my hands and coupons for some free golf.  I had received these things for pastor appreciation and this pastor sure appreciated it.  It was a beautiful day, cost me nothing but my time and I learned something.  The only thing worse than playing a bad round of golf by yourself is playing a good round of golf by yourself.  There's no one there to see it!  Still, solitary golf is spiritual for me.  I talk to the Lord a lot while I'm playing.  I guess it's praying but it feels more like we are hanging out. 

When school was over the kids and I had dinner at home (that's when I REALLY miss my wife, seems like a leg is missing) and soon after my daughter went to a youth group activity leaving my son and I home alone.  What to do?  What else?  BATMAN!!  We watched the Michael Keaton version from the 80's.  Not quite as dark as recent versions and my boy loved it until he fell asleep.  Soon after my little girl came home and everyone went to sleep.  Nice Friday.

We were up early Saturday morning so my little girl could help with the youth group garage sale for missions.  My boy and I went to breakfast together then afterwards we played his FIRST round of golf that didn't include the word miniature.  He did (no disrespect to Tony the Tiger) GRRRREAT!  Of course I played as well (had to instruct didn't I?) and I caught a glimpse of my future golf buddy.  Excuse me I need a tissue for my allergies.

When we were done we picked up the daughter who's activity was about done and headed to Ruston, Louisiana for some college football.  As a reward for good grades my son received a free ticket to watch the #22 Louisiana Tech Bulldogs play so his sister and I tagged along.  Beautiful day, free tailgating food, and the home team won.  What's not to love?

When we got home my lovely wife was here to welcome us with hugs and kisses so now a very tired family is resting for a wonderful reunion tomorrow.  What reunion?  We will see our church family in the house of God!  I'm so excited about what He might do as I feel like I've had a mini vacation, Tracy is refreshed, and the kids love their church.  Yes, it has been one great weekend.

Many people have been posting daily "things they are thankful for" since it is November/Thanksgiving month.  I hope whatever you do you will take the time to tell someone how thankful you are for the blessings God puts in your life everyday.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the Damaging Debate

Last night the people of the United States watched the 2nd presidential debate between the Democratic incumbent Barack Obama and the Republican challenger Mitt Romney.  In the first debate the challenger was given the edge due to his strong performance and the President's overly subdued demeanor.  In the weeks that have followed even die-hard supporters have bashed the president for his lack of passion and it was evident last night this was an attitude he would not bring again.  The result was a contentious and terse debate that saw the men almost in each others faces.

Polls quickly followed that told how undecided voters felt uncomfortable in those moments as it seemed to show not who was superior, but that as always the two parties cannot get along.  Instead of telling us what they can do to "fix" our nation they would rather tear one another down as the other cried foul with "That's not true!"  For the undecided voters who will decide this election it was just more of the same and they are still undecided as they are weary of the party strife.

This morning as I was getting ready for the day and in prayer about the details (that's how I refer to the daily stuff, concerns that are not really emergencies) I believe I had an epiphany from the Lord.  I don't know if it was so much He spoke to my heart, but in my mind I thought "People are SO tired of this house divided it's no wonder they don't vote or don't even care.  Voter apathy is almost justified"  That's when it was almost as if another voice said to me "It's the same with my church.  Why would people want to come into a place of division?"

I lost my breath.  In just one moment it was as if a hundred realizations and thoughts popped into my mind.  Why on earth would someone looking for answers or down-trodden by life want to go to church for the answers or even relief when all they hear about is infighting and strife?

With 45 years in church and never a prolonged time away from the fellowship with other believers I have seen and heard a LOT of horror stories.  I can say without fear of being wrong that what hurts the church more than anything is the people who go there.  Across denominational lines we have the most ridiculous disagreements over petty little things that simply do not matter in the puzzle of eternity.

Someone may be going through a divorce or have torturous drama at home, so when they come to their local church seeking guidance what do they find but a split as one group wants blue paint in the new building and another wants yellow.  When they walk through the door they aren't welcomed, they're recruited!  Quickly leaving that mess they go to another church, a different denomination hoping that it will be different and it is.  Here there's a popularity contest going on as one leading family wants their loved one on the board of directors and another family wants theirs.  Out those doors they run to the last church down the street with yet another sign out front.  Here everyone is friendly but when they find out this person had tried two other churches the roast is on.  They begin to tell the newcomer how good it is that they've come to their church as all the others are SO wrong and crazy with their beliefs and surely going to hell because they don't believe as they do.

Like those apathetic voters they see nothing but contention and why would ANYONE want to join another dysfunctional family?

Now I am not promoting oneness or a single united denomination but what I am saying is we've all got to stop this now.  Recent statistics show that people in the United States are leaving churches across the lines.  As older generations pass new believers are not coming in to replace them and I believe it is because the church has given them many reasons to run away.

Every time we have fights, splits, gossip and broken confidances, every time we bash the preacher or fuss about things in the house of God we are giving a public opinion of why people should stay away.  Who would want to run into a falling house?  We must grow up.  We must put the needs of others before our own.  We must turn the other cheek when we are offended and continue to strive together before the world is completly lost.

In my life I have had plenty of wounds that came in church and I want you to know as bad as they hurt the love and concern I have received FAR outweigh those scars.  I want you to join me as we raise up a new generation that will not waist our time cursing the dark but praising the light.  No matter where you attend do not bash the church down the street or promote your disagreements.  Handle things in the Biblical ways.  We must work together and love on one another as we lift up the name of Jesus.  The old gospel ship will not sink as long as we do not scuttle her. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED! (Jer. 31:3)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Living Legends

Just the other day I was reading an article about the upcoming retirement of a sports icon.  The Atlanta Braves Chipper Jones will hang up his glove after 19 incredible years.  Over the near two decades he has amassed some Cooperstown statistics that are so amazing and yet I had never noticed.  Why?  Because I've always been a Braves fan, so much that I didn't notice this great star on my team of stars.

It got me to thinking, I've seen a LOT of legendary players in my 45 years of life.  I watched Joe Montana lead the 49ers to multiple Superbowl championships.  I cheered Emmit Smith as he broke the NFL all time rushing title.  I beamed as I watched Michael Jordan lead the Bulls to a dynasty and don't get me started on the heydays of watching Larry Bird take on Magic Johnson.  Wow!  That's just a few by the way.

Sometimes we are witnessing legends and we don't even notice or appreciate them until they're gone.  Which brings me to James Mooney.  If you don't know him don't feel bad, I didn't know him until I became pastor of Rocky Branch Assembly of God. 

James Mooney is a legend of the faith.  He has served the Lord for over 60 years and many of those in the shadows.  He has ministered to and prayed for thousands in that time.  He often was unpaid and wasn't looking for thanks, he was merely serving the Lord to the best of his ability.

At Rocky Branch he has cast a GIANT shadow.  People have a profound respect for this man and his gentle ways because they've seen his works and taken note.  Now in the twilight of his life he cares for his sweetheart of 64 (I believe) years and I know the people are noting his dedication and love for her at this time as well. 

Giants are all around us.  Everyday normal men and women are doing incredible things for the Lord simply because they love Him.  They sacrifice for His call, love people who use them, pray for those who criticise them and when they are gone it's tragic that only then do we appreciate their works.

Chipper Jones will no doubt end up in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  With his career he deserves it and in his last season even those who booed him have taken time to admire what he has accomplished.  There will be no enshrinement for men like James Mooney, Marvin McElhannon, James Sullivan, Don Scroggins,or Leroy Stevenson but there are those of us who HAVE taken notice and if we in our pitiful little abilities can take note I know our infinite God has as well.

Men like those I just listed are the types mentioned in Hebrews chapter eleven, also known as the "Hebrews Heroes Hall of Fame".  They will walk with other giants of the faith and I believe those of us who are still working once they've gone on to their reward will quote Hebrews 11:38 and say "the world was not worthy of them".

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Just some ramblings...

I don't really have a theme this morning as I sit at my desk, but I just wanted to blog so let's see where this goes.

God has been so incredibly good to me that I just couldn't keep it inside.  The last few days as I walked out of our temporary home I have seen some small deer (little fawns) run scampering into the woods.  So, repeatedly the scripture "As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God" (Psalm 42:1)

I'm going through one of those wonderful times of fulfillment all long time Christians go through. When we first get saved there is such excitement and zeal, but with the passage of time we level off, plateau, and even fade.  That' a dangerous time because it's on the plateau we can begin to roll back, backslide ever so slightly with the imperceptive slope of not moving forward. In these times we question our faith and begin to seek counsel or listen to those voices that may mean no harm but bring it none the less. 

But for those who WILL hold their place on he level ground there also comes times of refreshing and growth.  A personal revival when we feel born again all over.  That's where I am for this season and I am so enjoying it.

My day started with some VERY kind words from a cousin (I'm so thankful or my family) and that prepares me for whatever the day has ahead.  I read in the Bible when Paul was closing his letter to the Roman church (Romans 16) he repeatedly said "Say a kind word to..." and as I float on clouds today because of this unsolicited contact I am reminded of how important it is for us to encourage one another.  Battles may come my way today, struggles right around the corner but history shows us that those who fight from the high ground usually win.  A kind word had me up on the heights so bring it on devil, bring it on!

I am at a time in my life when my soul pants for the Lord.  A better definition is my soul is "gasping for the Lord who sustains me".  A good word in the midst of a personal revival makes up a dangerous combination to the kingdom of hell.  Look out devil, I's ready for you today!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  May God bless you and keep you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Work makes you sweat!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

In my last post I had mentioned there have been many changes in our lives.  In May of 2012 I had decided that I needed to make some changes in the life of our family.  I hope you understand what I'm about to say, "Not everywhere is a good fit for everybody".

For 19 months we had pastured a church where I was the only member of my family that was happy and I had allowed myself to slump into wimppiness (read last weeks blog).  There was nothing wrong with the church.  We were growing, people were being saved and good things were happening, it just wasn't a good fit for us. 

That happens in all things I guess.  People change churches all the time, but when it's a pastor it becomes a bit of a drama you don't want.  It has been my experience that when a pastor leaves people take it far too personal, like they did something wrong.  Here's an example; when we moved from a church we had pastured for some years I LOVED my new home!  Oh it was great, everything was so new and different from the restaurants to the sunrises.  On Facebook and here in my blog I would praise the Lord for all He had done and was doing but this was not a good thing to some.

Dear and long time friends felt I was disrespecting them in my good reports as if I were saying the joy of my new home was a slight against where I once had lived.  I was defriended and I don't just mean on Facebook.

Change is never easy.  Change always takes work.  If you want to lose weight a diet will be necessary even though you know it will be unpleasant to say the least.  Anytime we have moved, or changed where we were ministering it has been hard on us, hard on our friends, and even hard on the furniture but that's what change is, work!

If there is something in your life that needs to be changed get to work!  It may be hard but the results are always worth it.  Now, get up off that computer and do something you've been needing to do for a long time.  Read your Bible, go for a walk, call a family member you haven't talked to in a while or how about a suggestion that is always good - pray.

Work may make you sweat but it's the ONLY way things get done and change is good.

Getting Back to Work

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wow!  It seems hard to believe it has been so long since I posted anything in this blog.  There is so much to tell, so much has changed since my last post and if you are a follower of this poorly kept ministry I apologize.

I always say "I preach where I live".  In this I mean that I use my own life and experiences as an example (good and bad) for the point I feel the Lord has given me to discuss.  And along this line I confess to you dear friends that my blog has been on hiatus because my precious feelings were hurt.  Say it with me, "Awwwww".  I know, pitiful right?

In my last true blog I wrote what I felt the Lord was leading me to say based on some things I saw happening in MY OWN LIFE.  You see, I had seen other folks travel the path I felt I was on.  We had pastured them and I also had seen some preachers making these bad decisions as well.  The end result was an attitude of pride that led to backsliding.  Not the kind where people completely forsake the Lord and His church, but the more dangerous kind where we think everything between us and Him is good but inside we have become the more repulsive "lukewarm".  It is SO much more dangerous to think you are safe and then when the day of testing comes find out you're not.

A few in the church where I was at the time of that writing took offense.  They were sure that the two examples I had used were them and oh, they needed to vent.  I was devastated and honestly that was immature of me.  I said ME.  People are often going to take preaching wrong, they always have.  Conviction can cause us to rebel or be resentful and so... I was.  You see my precious little feelings caused me to have a self-pity party.  "How could someone think I was trying to hurt them!?!"  "Shouldn't they know that I wouldn't do that!?!"  Anyway, you get the picture.  On the outside I acted like it didn't bother me but inside was another story.

I immediately took my toys and went home.  I deleted almost all of my previous blogs because I didn't want to offend anyone again.  That's a shame too because some of those writings had blessed some folks.  The blog that lead to this spiritual tantrum was perhaps the best received of them all as many called it a blessing and soul searching.  I had forgotten that the message of Jesus and toe-stomping messages have always been words that burn itching ears.

I allowed that to poison my own spirit and the rest of my time in that church I took note of everyone who was offended by something or nothing.  My eyes became more and more critical until I knew I had to make changes.  Now at first, I looked only to my physical man when we should always look to the inner, spiritual self first.  I was upset that these people were convicted when I SHOULD have been sad that I didn't believe in what I was writing enough to stand by it.  Was it the Lord moving on my heart or not?

So I'm back to trying to share what I feel the Lord would have me to share.  I hope this is well received but I can only do what I can.  I pray the anointing will be upon this blog to bless and touch, heal and deliver.  I'm getting back to work.  Would you like to join me?

Friday, April 13, 2012

"I Can See Clearly Now..."

Last night our area was hit was some threatening weather.  I use the word "threatening" because it only looked bad.  In actuality it was wonderful.  There was quite a stellar show of God's fireworks as lighting brilliantly lit up the sky.  From the hidden flashes that illuminated the clouds to the sparking blue bolts that blasted across the sky it was awesome.  Almost as an encore the much needed rain fell after the lighting died down and this morning I awoke to the fresh aroma of a drenched but not flooded yard.  I don't know about you but I sleep so well when it's raining.  All these things together made for a wonderful night, but when the clouds were coming in it didn't look as if it would be so.

A few months ago this town was pelted with softball size hail that did a lot of damage.  Homes, cars, and property damage was in the hundreds of thousands.  That experience has made our community a little gun shy to storms.  I made sure to clean out the garage so I could pull one of our cars in and the other I parked under the carport of our church.  How happy I was when all the ugliness that was predicted never showed.

A lot of the time in life we fear things that never come.  We get upset about the possible things that could happen to us while forgetting the probable protection the Lord gives.  Jesus said in Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (other translations say how will worry make you one cubit taller, but you get the idea).  Worrying about those things we cannot change is such a waste.

My dad always told me you prepare for the worst, but believe for the best.  That's a good way to look at life.  Buy life insurance but don't worry about dying.  Teach your kids how to live for the Lord but don't freak out if they're not perfect.  The list of examples here is endless.

The next time clouds look "threatening" to you get prepared but at the same time don't worry.  Do all you can do and then trust the Lord to do the rest.  No matter how stressed you feel just remember the Lord isn't wringing His hands about it.  He IS an ever present help in the time of need (Psalm 46:1).

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and remember YOU ARE LOVED!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

Have you ever felt fat?  C,mon, you know what I mean.  One morning you get up and for no particular reason you feel like the Titanic.  Your clothes still fit, but there's just something you cannot describe and it causes you to feel much bigger than you actually are.  You put on your loose clothes because every time you pass the mirror you feel revolted.  As a result you go on incredible crash diets, you join a gym (3 year membership), and you set out to rearrange your entire life all because how you feel about yourself in that moment.  That's momentary self perception my friend, and it's a very dangerous place to dwell.

In Proverbs 29:11 the Word of God says "A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back."  Now I have often used this scripture to preach on how we need to hold our tongue, a painful lesson I've learned for sure.  But as with so many things of the Lord there's another aspect to this, we need to learn how to hold our tongues about ourselves.

As a pastor I have had people tell me they were "unworthy" or "unqualified" to do something for God or His church.  They beat themselves so mercilessly for old mistakes and past sins.  Even though they may have recently had a "God moment" where they knew the presence of the Lord was there or God spoke to their heart about something no one else could know now they've put on those spiritual "fat clothes" and have deemed themselves too repulsive to be loved by God.  What junk!

1 John 4:7&8 says "Beloved, let us love one another for God is of love and everyone who loveth is born of God and knoweth God.  He that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is love."  That means love is God's defining characteristic.  Everything He does or will do is motivated from His love for you and I.  Another favorite scripture is 1 Samuel 16:7 where we are told that God doesn't look on the outward appearance (which can be deceiving) but instead He looks upon the heart.

This is why God would use a shepherd to be His king.  This is why God used a murderer to lead His nation to freedom.  This is why Jesus spent time with people His own disciples wouldn't even associate with.  God looks upon the heart and He sees you with all your faults, mistakes and past baggage yet He loves you anyway.

We must get past the momentary perceptions because everyone has a bad day.  Instead we should look and ourselves as the Lord does, through the heart.  If you need to change some things in your life just turn it over to that loving Father because as I often preach, "God doesn't demolish, He remodels."  When the heavenly Father looks on you He knows what needs changing, what needs to be fixed, and what needs to be removed.  Trust His love and what you see in the mirror may look a little different next time.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thankful for Confirmation

What a wonderful evening we had last night at the 2nd Annual Men's Chili Cook-Off.  Last year we had 8 pots of chili and just barely enough to feed a good size crowd.  Last night we had 14 pots and even with a much bigger crowd (that our Annex could barely hold) we had plenty and then some.

Sometimes as a pastor I worry that I am not on the Lord's path.  I pray, study His word, try to be attentive to the voice of the Lord (that soft, quiet leading inside a Christian's heart - 1 Kings 19:11-13) yet I have times where I wonder "Am I doing the right thing?"  There have been many times of hurt in ministry; misunderstandings, rejection, betrayal.  I don't know why these things surprise me they happened to Jesus and are any of us more spiritual that He?  Of course not.  That's why I am so thankful for times of conformation.

We pastor First Assembly of God in McCook, Nebraska, to the best of our abilities.  Despite the fact that OUR gifts and talents are woefully lacking the Grace of God is obviously present in this church.  In the last year we have seen (at least) 13 saved, countless folks re-dedicated, 5 baptized in the Holy Spirit, and with last night 18 baptized in water!  In the last year we have added 14 new members and will add a few more in March.  The church has added at least 4 new ministries to meet the needs of a growing congregation and speaking of that the Sunday morning attendance is about 35 folks better than it was at this time last year.  No small thing in a town this size with several strong churches.  We have new young couples that are establishing themselves as leaders by working hard and rarely missing a service.  I must admit I am SO proud of this new generation that is taking the reigns of the church.

Is everything perfect?  Not even close.  People make up this church from the pulpit to the parking lot so there will always be problems.  Yesterday as I took the pulpit I could sense a spirit in the place that I knew would make it hard to receive what I was about to preach.  I delivered an old message that I felt God directing me to.  I have preached this message maybe 6 or 7 times in 5 churches and this was the FIRST where it wasn't received as it had always been before.  That made preaching it tough, but thanks to the grace of God I made it through.  After the service I felt drained but had so much to do I couldn't sit down and dwell on it.  That's a good thing too as the Bible warns repeatedly about the dangers of idleness and how it effects our thinking.

Later, as we prepared to baptize our candidates I looked upon that great Sunday night crowd, considered how we had almost doubled in contestants for our cook-off and thought "Lord, I may not do everything perfect, but I am so thankful you are building a church in SPITE of the people who attend there or the insecure pastor that leads it".  As I always say, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!  It was a great evening.  Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and never forget You Are Loved!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


If you read my blog very often you may notice some posts are missing, let me explain.  In times past I have tried to use my blog as a place where I can preach a soft message that may encourage, convict, or praise.  A recent entry was taken in a way I never intended and so good intentions have left me with great disappointment.  I don't want this.

So, I will be changing the way I enter things here.  I know many of you liked the preaching but instead I will be just adding personal junk and memories hoping you will understand.

Until next time, YOU ARE LOVED!